Message to all the followers of THELABELWHORES that have never been out of the country....we've been to Paris and NO you do not have to dress this way. The first thing you learn as a LABEL WHORE is that matching yes MATCHING COLORS is key. You can have the illest name brands but if you don't match out come the jokes.
so without further ado..it's joke time!
Cotdamn! What a bunch of clowns! The main offender is the dude in the leopard print pants.
It's one thing to be punk, it's a whole 'nother thing to look like a damn vagabond.
You know what though...I think we all learned from Dave Chappelle not to judge a man based on how he's dressed, because he could still bust your ass at some hoops.
Doesn't mean they aren't soft though. 'Cause as a collective, they look softer than a room full of feathers.
word, just cuz yiu down with Ye don't mean niggas should be goin' for the I'm a clown look...dats dat 808 fashion?
quote of the year "The main offender is the dude in the leopard print pants"....we damn near fell off our computer chair reading that!
Thank you, but I'm serious! What's with the grape smugglers?! I'm mad at that.
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